

Meditation is a form of mindfulness used to focus the mind


Meditation is a form of mindfulness used to focus the mind. Meditation allows for observation of thoughts which can bring clarity to the cause of daily stresses. Once we become aware, we can then start taking actions to prevent and minimize stress and anxiety in our life. Many times anxiety and stress result from obsessive thoughts about past experiences and future possibilities. Focusing the mind brings our thoughts to the present, when we are present we experience little to no stress or anxiety. Daily mediation will reduce stress/anxiety, reduce insomnia, reduce stress related illness (high blood pressure), increase focus and clarity of thought, evoke feelings of peace, and much more. We all want to live happier and healthier lives.

I have been meditating and teaching meditation for years. I have learned many things through my own practice and studies. I am here to share my knowledge.

$111 an hour-One-on-One meditation teaching

-Teachings and classes are all virtual at this time

-includes consultation to identify barriers to effective meditation practice, individualized techniques to improve meditation practice, and one-on-one guided meditation session

$15 1-hour meditation class (check and like FB Page-Kimberly Ann Naturals for upcoming classes and events)

* – This is not your typical medication class. This class is all about reflection and inner growth. Class covers various topics to stimulate your mind and spirit bringing growth and expansion, not only to your mediation practice but also to your personal development.

-Workshops are teachings intended to provide you with knowledge and skills to assist you in your soul’s life journey. Workshops will cover various topics and teach applicable skills.

* Contact me to schedule a session or for more information on private group sessions.


Natural Healing

A healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient’s body and restore physical, energetic and emotional well-being. Reiki is also referred to as “laying of hands” and has been used in healing dis-ease since ancient times. It is one of the oldest forms of natural healing. Most patients feel relief and gain a deeper understanding of their dis-ease after the initial session. Reiki combined with my intuitive gifts allows for deeper understanding and healing of the core cause of the patients dis-ease.

***Coming back Soon***

Each session includes a 20 min processing and coaching following treatment.